Joint Pain / Arthritis
Joint pain Arthritis can arise in any age group.
Joint pain Arthritis can arise in any age group. Usually patient comes with pain present at multiple joints
They usually present with early morning stiffness and pain, as day progress ahead they feel better
In these cases, small joints of hand affect first and more pronouncedly and later large joints (i.e. hip, knee, ankle, wrist, elbow, shoulder) gets affected
To diagnose doctor first clinically examine the patient, later will advise some blood tests and if tests are positive then drug treatment can be started
There are many types of arthritis, some of which are diagnosed by blood tests, and many of other types of arthritis which are undiagnosed by blood tests.
Gouty Arthritis
When level of uric acid rises in the body, it leads to gouty arthritis
It is a product of protein metabolism so people who consume more protein by food items like Meat, Eggs, Paneer, Lentils, etc. may land up with this problem
If food habits are controlled nicely it can be avoided. If required doctors may prescribe medications